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Escapenet can be used to obtain translations of non-English patents.
An English translation is required to be attached to a non-English patent document or other non-patent literature disclosed in an Information Disclosure Statement (IDS). 37 C.F.R. 1.98(3)(ii)
Escapenet automatically translates documents which are viewed alone or in the right hand viewing pane.
Each section of a document can be printed or saved as a PDF file by clicking on the three dots next to the Patent Translate drop down menu and selecting the print option while viewing that specific section of the document. A full translation of a patent can be formed by saving every section of a document as a PDF file and then combining them into one document. The Patent Translate feature only works on the text files of a patent and does not translate PDF files associated with the patent.
The language of the Patent Translate function can be selected using the drop down menu located on the right side of the right viewing pane.
You can download the original, untranslated document by changing the drop down menu in the top left of the document viewer to the “Original document” section, and then select the three dots in the top right corner. Once the menu appears, select the “Download” option and select the “Original document” option. This saves the original patent document as a PDF file, without translating the document from its original language.
Untranslated and translated versions of foreign patents are necessary for completing Information Disclosure Statement forms.
If a foreign patent needs to be disclosed in the IDS form, the applicant should attach the original foreign patent documents and an English translation of the original patent document (if the original foreign patent document is not in English). 37 C.F.R. 1.98(2)(i); 37 C.F.R. 1.98(3)(ii); MPEP 609.04(a)(II)
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