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Public Patent Search has two different ways with which you can view a patent: a text view and a PDF view.
The text view and the PDF view of the patent document is viewed in the Document Viewer tab (or pane).
The text view and the PDF view has its own options along the toolbar at the top of the Document Viewer tab.
You can switch between the text view and a PDF view by using to the toolbar which runs across the top of the Document Viewer tab, and clicking the upper leftmost button, which has the image of a camera and the uppercase letter T on it.
You can view the drawings of a patent by changing into PDF view.
Also in the PDF view by going to the button labeled with the symbol §. Clicking on this button will display a drop down menu that lets you change which sections of a PDF are displayed. If you wish to only view a patent’s drawings, you can check the box that corresponds with drawings, and uncheck all other boxes. This will limit the patent to only the section containing drawings.
An advantage of the text view is you can traverse within a text document by using the previous keyword or next keyword buttons -- jumping from one keyword to the next.
You can also traverse within the text document by scrolling using the sidebar or mouse scroll wheel -- and the keywords will be highlighted.
If the document is in text view, the toolbar has the options listed below in order of left to right:
If the document is in PDF view, the toolbar has the options listed below in order of left to right:
The way to traverse between patents is represented with the same buttons in both viewing options, and is the array of buttons with double arrows.
The left-pointing, lined double-arrow will bring you to the first search result listed, while the right-pointing, lined double-arrow will bring you to the last search result listed.
The left-pointing double-arrow will bring you to the previous document in the search results, while the right-pointing double-arrow will bring you to the next document in the search results.
You can traverse within a PDF document by using the array of single arrowed buttons to change the page.
The left and right pointing single-arrows move you to the previous or next page respectively.
The left-pointing, lined single-arrow brings you to the first page of the PDF, while the right-pointing, lined single-arrow brings you to the last page of the PDF.
You can download a patent in PDF view by clicking the Save button. After a short wait, the PDF will be downloaded.
You can also save a patent in PDF view by clicking the Print button, and changing the destination to “Save as PDF.”
You can download a patent in text view as a PDF by clicking the Print button, and changing the destination to “Save as PDF.”
Two different types of patent documents appear as results in the Public Patent Search: utility patents, and design patents.
You can differentiate between the two without even looking at the patent itself by checking the Document ID column in the Search Results tab of the Public Patent Search. If the Document ID of a patent starts with a D, the patent is an issued design patent. Otherwise, the patent is a utility patent. The utility patent documents will be an issued utility patent or a utility patent application (the number in the Document ID column starts with a year)
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