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The cost of a federal trademark registration application is dependent on a variety of factors. These factors include the filing basis and the number of classes of the good or service that a mark is applied for.
The USPTO provides a full fee schedule and explanations of various documents that may be needed as part of the trademark registration and maintenance process.
The USPTO accepts several methods of payments, with credit card as a common method of payment.
When filing a trademark application, the following fees apply:
Additionally, there may be other fees for an initial application that may be incurred, including:
Once a trademark is registered, there are several maintenance documents that are required to be filed according to the maintenance schedule. These documents also carry fees and are required to maintain the trademark’s registration.
Maintenance between the 5th and 6th year after the registration date:
Maintenance between the 9th and 10th year after the registration date (and subsequent 10 year intervals):
Optional Filing:
The fees referenced above were accessed 9/4/2023.
The Trademark Office changes fees over time.
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