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In the new TESS trademark search system, the { } delimiter is used differently than the old TESS trademark search system. The new TESS trademark search system uses { } to indicate the number of the previous search element before the {.
In a search in a combined mark field, the { } can follow a character or set of character options, and indicate the number times the character can be repeated or the amount of characters in the character options.
Number of times a character is repeated:
CM:/be.i{1}/ will result in be, then any character, and then one i, so, bebi, bexi, or beti
Number of characters in a set of character options:
CM:/an[bef]{3,4}/ will result in an, then b, e, or f from 3 to 4 times, so anbff, anbebe, or anbee
In a search in a combined mark field, the { } can follow a wildcard of . to give a number of wildcard characters.
CM:/lower.{2}/ will result in lower and the any two characters after that, so lowered, lower48, or lowerit
CM:/lower.{1,2}/ will result in lower and then one or two characters after, so lowery, lowers, or lowered
In the old TESS trademark search system, the { } delimiter was used to indicate the number of character type within the { }, so {V,1} meant one vowel, commonly in phrase searching.
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